Morouer this oure faith which we haue in
Christ / is euer fought agenst / euer assaylled and beten at
with disperacion: not when we sinne only / but also in all
temptacions of adversite in to which God bringeth vs / to
nurtoure vs and to shew vs oure awne hertes / the ypocrisie and
false thoughtes that there lye hidd / oure al most no faith at
all and as litle loue / even then happly when we
thought oure selues most perfecte of all. For when
temptacions come we can not stond / when we haue synned faith
is feble / when wronge is done vs we can not forgeue / in
sickenes / in losse of goodes and in
all tribulacions we be impacient: when oure neyboure
neadeth oure helpe / that we must departe with him of oures
then loue is colde.