KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
[Hand] An answere vnto Sir Thomas Mores
dialoge made by Willyam Tindale.
¶First he declareth what the church is / and geveth a reason of certayne wordes which Master More rebuketh
in the transla= cion of the newe Testament. [Hand]
¶After that he answereth particularlye vn to everye
chaptre which semeth to haue anye apperaunce of truth thorow
all his .iij. bokes.
[Hand] Awake thou that sle=
pest and stonde vpp from deeth / and Christ shall geue the
light Ephesians.
Awake . . . light. Eph. 5.14. This same epigraph is
found on the title page of John Frith, An other boke against Rastel (c1537), STC 11385:
"¶ Awake thou that slepeste and | stonde vppe from deeth / and | Chryste
shall geue the | lyght. Ephesians, v."