KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
The grace of oure lorde / the light of his
spirite to se and to iudge / true repentaunce towardes goddes
lawe / a fast faith in the mercifull promises that are in oure
savioure Christ / fervent loue towarde thy neyghboure after the
ensample of Christ and his sayntes / be with the o reader and
with all that loue the trouth and
longe for the redempcion of goddes electe. Amen.
The grace . . .
Amen. CWM 8/1.41/5–10. Ten Pauline epistles greet
the reader with prayers for "grace and peace" (Romans, 1 and 2
Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2
Thessalonians, Philemon). Three open with "grace, mercy and peace" (1
and 2 Timothy, Titus). Answer outdoes Paul by
praying for "grace," "light," "repentaunce"faith," and
Oure savioure Ihesus in the .xvj. chaptre of Iohan at
his last souper when he toke his leaue of his disciples / warned
them sayenge / the holye gost shall come and rebuke the worlde
of iudgement. That is / he shall rebuke the worlde for lacke of
true iudgement and discrecyon to iudge / and shall proue that
the taste of their mouthes is corrupte / so that they iudge
swete to be sowre and sowre
to be swete / and their yies to be blinde / so that
they thinke that to
be the verye service of god which is but a blinde
supersticyon / for
zele of which yet they persecute the true service of
god: and that they iudge to be the lawe of god which is but a
false imaginacion of a corrupte iudgement / for blinde
affeccyon of which yet they
persecute the true lawe of god & them that kepe
it. And this same is
it that Paule sayeth in the seconde chaptre of the
first epistle to the
Corinthians / how that the naturall man that is not
borne agayne
and created anew with the spirite of god / be he
never so greate a philosopher / never so well sene in the lawe
/ never so sore studyed in the scripture / as we haue ensamples
in the pharises / yet he can not vnderstonde the thinges of the
spirite of god: but sa
holye gost . . .
iudgement. Cf. John 16.8, 11.
Oure . . . kepe
it. CWM 8/1.44/7–20.
the naturall . . .
god. Cf. 1 Cor. 2.14.
sore. Used as
adjective or adverb, one of Tyndale's favorite words.