KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
It hath yet or shuld haue a nother
signifycacyon litle knowen amonge the comen people now a dayes.
That is to witt / it signifieth
a congregacion / a multitude or a company gathered to
gether in one / of all degrees of people. As a man wold saye /
the church of
london / meaninge not the spiritualtie only (as they
wilbe called for their diligent saruinge of god in the sprite
& so sore eschuynge to medle wyth temporall maters) but the
hole body of the cytye / of all kyndes condicions and degrees.
And the church of bristow / al that pertayne vnto the towne
generally. And what congregacion is
ment / thou shall all waye vnderstonde by the mater
that is entreted of and by the circumstaunces therof.
And in this thrid significacion is the church of god
or christ taken in the scripture / euen for the whole multytude
of all them that receaue the name of christe to beleue in him /
and not for the clergye
onlye. For paul saith Galatiens .1. I persecuted the
church of God a boue measure. Which was not the preachers only /
but all that beleued
generally / as it is to se actes .xxij. where he
saith / I persecuted this waye / euen vnto the deeth bindinge
and puttinge in preson both men and wemen. And Galath. 1.1 was
vnknowen concernynge
my person vnto the congregacyons off the Iewes which
were in
chryste. And Roma. xvj. I commende vnto you phebe
the deaconysse of the church of cenchris. And the churches of
Asia salute
you .1. Coryn. the laste.
I ... measure.
Gal. 1.13. Cf. Erasmus' annotation on Et expugnabam
.) 1516 NT, Caeterum ecclesiam
uocat congregatiunculam illam Christianorum (Reeve 3.567).
"Otherwise he calls the church 'that little congregation of
I ... wemen.
Acts 22.4.
I ...
chryste. Gal. 1.22.
I ...
cenchris. Cf. Rom. 16.1 in which Answer
has "the deaconysse of the church" and NT has "a minister of the
congregacion " (Wallis 342/5–6;TNT 241A). Referring to the
Greek diakonos ,
Morna D. Hooker judges that "minister" is the
better translation. Cf. "Tyndale's 'Heretical' Translation" in Reformation 2 (1997) 127–42, esp. 139.
churches ... you.
1 Cor. 16.19.
And yf a man can not rule hys awne howsse / how shall
he take
the care of the church of God .1. Tymothe . iij? yf
any faythfull man or woman haue wedoowes / let them fynde them
/ that the church
be not charged. 1. Tymothe .v.
yf ... God. 1
Tim. 3.5. Cf. Erasmus' annotation on Ecclesiae dei.), 1522 NT, Nam ecclesia
opponitur domo. 1527, Et ecclesia magna domus
est (Reeve 3.671)."For 'church' is opposed to 'house.' And yet
a church is a great house."
yf ...
charged. 1 Tim. 5.16.