It hath yet or shuld haue a nother
signifycacyon litle knowen amonge the comen people now a dayes.
That is to witt / it signifieth
a congregacion / a multitude or a company gathered to
gether in one / of all degrees of people. As a man wold saye /
the church of
london / meaninge not the spiritualtie only (as they
wilbe called for their diligent saruinge of god in the sprite
& so sore eschuynge to medle wyth temporall maters) but the
hole body of the cytye / of all kyndes condicions and degrees.
And the church of bristow / al that pertayne vnto the towne
generally. And what congregacion is
ment / thou shall all waye vnderstonde by the mater
that is entreted of and by the circumstaunces therof.