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be so subtilly cowched that no man can espye them. So blinde he counteth all other men in comparison of his great vnderstondinge . But charitablye I exhorte him in chryste to take hede for though Iudas were wilier then his felowes to get lucre / yet he proued not most wise at the last ende. Nether though Balam the false prophete had a clere sighte to bringe the curse of God vppon the chyldern of Israel for honoures sake / yet his couetousenesse did so blynd his prophesie / that he coude not se his awne ende. Let therfore M. More and hys company awake be tymes ere ever their sinne be rype lest the voyce of theyr wekednesse ascende vp and awake God out of his slepe / to loke vppon them and to bow his eares vnto their cursed blasphemies agenst the open truth / and to send hys heruestmen and mowares of vengeaunce to repe yt.

But how happeth it that M. More hathe not contended in lyke wise agaynst hys derelynge Erasmus all this longe while? Doeth not he chaunge this worde ecclesia in to congregacyon and that not selden in the new testament? peraduenture he owithe him fauoure because he made Moria in his housse. Which boke if were in englishe / then shulde euery man se / how that he then was ferre other wise minded than he nowe writeth. But verelie I thinke that as Iudas betraid not christ for any loue that he had vnto the hie prestes / scribes and phareses / but only to come by that wherfore he thirsted: euen so M. More (as there are tokens evident) wrote not these bokes for any affeccyon that he bare vnto the spiritualtie or vnto the opinions which he so barelie defendeth / but to obtayne only that which he was an hongred fore: I praie God that he eate not to hastely lest he be cho