be so subtilly cowched that no man can espye them. So blinde
he counteth all other men in comparison of his great
. But charitablye I exhorte him in chryste to take
hede for though Iudas were wilier then his felowes to get lucre
/ yet he
proued not most wise at the last ende. Nether though
Balam the
false prophete had a clere sighte to bringe the
curse of God vppon the chyldern of Israel for honoures sake /
yet his couetousenesse did so blynd his prophesie / that he
coude not se his awne ende. Let therfore M. More and hys
company awake be tymes ere ever their sinne
be rype lest the voyce of theyr wekednesse ascende
vp and awake God out of his slepe / to loke vppon them and to
bow his eares vnto their cursed blasphemies agenst the open
truth / and to send hys heruestmen and mowares of vengeaunce to
repe yt.