Another ...
elder. CWM 8/1.182/8–14.
M. More condempneth the laten texte. 1531
And in that ...
lykewyse. CWM 8/1.183/12–15.
.v. chaptre of the first of peter] .1. Pet. 5. 1573
1. petri .5. 1531
1 PETER: 5.1–2: 15/19–20
Seniores qui in
vobis sunt / obsecro ego consenior / pascite qui in vobis est gregem
christi. Tyndale's quotation of 1 Pet. 5.1–2 is close to the
Vulgate, which adds ergo after Seniores, omits ego, and uses dei instead of christi.
Tyndale could have made a stronger argument against More by quoting
Erasmus' 1522 NT, Presbyteros qui inter uos sunt,
obsecro, qui sum & ipse presbyter. Out of the five Latin
quotations in this section, two follow the Vulgate (15/19–20, 16/1) and
three Erasmus' 1522 NT (15/26, 15/27–28, 16/4).
presbyteros] ed., presyteros 1531, Presbyteros 1573
In ... elder.
CWM 8/1.184/11–15.
The elders ...
persones. CWM 8/1.186/18–22.
seconde] 2. 1573
ij. Iohan 1531
eius] 1573, beius 1531
2 JOHN: 1.1:15/26
senior electe domine
et filijs eius. Tyndale's quotation of 2 John 1.1 follows
Erasmus' filijs (1522 NT) rather than Vulgate's
iij. Iohan 1531
3 JOHN: 1.1:15/27–28
Senior Gaio
dilecto. Tyndale's quotation of 3 John 1.1 follows
dilecto of Erasmus' 1522 NT rather than charissimo of the Vulgate and Erasmus'
1516 NT.
pystles] Epistles 1573
Actes .20. 1531