Another thinge which he rebuketh ys that I interprete thys greke
word presbiteros by this word senior. Of a truth senior is
no veri good english / though senior and iunior be vsed in the
vniuersities: but there came no better in my mynde at that
tyme. How be it I spyed my faute sens / longe yer M. More told
it me / and haue mended it in all the workes which I sens made
and call it an elder. And in that he maketh heresie of it / to
call presbiteros an elder he
condemneth their awne olde latine texte of heresye
also / which they vse yet dayly in the church and haue vsed / I
suppose / this .xiiij. hundred yeres. For that texte doeth call
it an elder lykewyse. In the
.v. chaptre of the first of peter / thus standeth it
in the laten texte. Seniores qui in vobis sunt / obsecro ego
consenior / pascite qui in
vobis est gregem christi. The elders that are amonge
you I besech whych am an elder also that ye fede the flocke of
christe / whych is
amonge you. There ys presbyteros called an elder.
And in that he saith fede christes flocke / he meaneth euen the
ministres that were
chosen to teache the people and to enforme them in
gods worde and
no laye persones. And in the seconde epystle of Ihon
saith the texte /
senior electe domine et filijs eius. The elder vnto
the electe ladye and
to here chylderen. And in the .iij. epystle of Ihon.
Senior Gaio dilecto.
The elder vnto the beloued Gaius. In these .ij.
pystles presbiteros
ys called an elder. And in the .xx. of the actes /
the texte sayth: