elders in birth of the
congregacion or church / and said vnto them / take
hede vnto youre selves and vnto the hole flocke / ouer which the
holy gost hath made
you episcopos ad regendum ecclesiam dei / bisshopes
or ouersears to gouerne the church of god. There is presbiteros
called an elder in
birth which same is immediatly called a bisshope or
ouersear / to declare what persons are ment. Herof ye se that I
haue no moare erred then there awne texte which they haue vsed
sens the scripture was first in the latine tongue / and that
their awne texte vnderstondeth
by presbiteros nothinge saue an elder. And they were
called elders / because of their age / grauite and sadnesse /
as thou maist se by the texte: and bisshopes or ouersears by
the reason of their offices . And all that were called elders
(or prestes if they so will) were
called bisshopes also / though they haue diuided the
names now / Which thinge thou maist evidently se by the first
chapter of titus.
And the .xx. of the actes and other places moo.