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feccion. And shortely where vnto youth is most prone and ready to fall / therof warneth he him with al diligence / even al most or all to gether halfe a dosen tymes of someone thynge. And fynally as a man wold teach a childe that had neuer before gone to scole / so tenderly & so carefully doeth paul teach him. It is a nother thynge to teach the people and to teach the preacher. Here Paul teacheth the preacher / younge Timothe.

And when he affirmeth that I saye / how that the oylinge and shauinge is no parte of the presthode. That improueth he not ner can do. And therefore I saye it yet. And when he hath enserched thuttermost that he can this is al that he can laye agenst me / that of an hundred there be not .x. that haue the propirties which paul requireth to be in them. Wherefore if oylinge and shauinge be no parte of their presthod / then euermore of a thousand .ix. hundred at the lest shuld be no prestes at all. And quod youre frend wold confirme it with an oth and swere depely / that it wold folowe and that it must nedes so be. Which argument yet / if there were no nother shifte I wold solue aftir an oxforde facion / with concedo consequenciam et consequens. And I saye morouer that their annoyntynge is but a ceremonie borowed of the Iewes / though they haue somewhat altered the maner / & their shauinge borowed of the hethen prestes / & that they be no more of their presthode / then the oyle / salte / spittell / taper & chresom cloth of the substaunce of baptim. Which thinges / nodoute / because they be of their coniurynge / they wold haue preached of necessite vnto the saluacion of the childe / excepte necessite had dreuen them vn to the contrarye.