KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
And seinge that the oyle is not of
necessyte / let M. More
tell me what moare vertue is in the oyle of
confyrmacion / in as moch as the bysshope sacrithe the one as
well as the other: ye and let hym tell the reason why there
shulde be more vertue in the oyle
where wyth the bysshope annoynteth hys prestes. Let
him tell you from whence the oyle cometh / how it is made / and
why he selleth it to the curates wher with they anoynte the
syke / or whether thys be of lesse vertue then the other.
And finally whi vsed not the appostles this greke
worde hiereus or the interpreter thys laten worde sacerdos /
but all waye thys worde
presbiteros and senior / by which was at that tyme
nothynge sygnyfyed
then an elder? And it was no doute taken of the
custome of the hebrues / where the offycers were ever elderly
men as nature requireth. As yt appereth in the olde testament
and also in the newe.
The scrybes / pharises and the elders of the people
sayth the texte / which were the officers and rulars / so
called by the reason of theyr age.
1 PETER: 2.5, 9: 19/15–16
HEBREWS: 6.19–20: 19/15–16
REVELATION: 1.6: 19/15–16
REVELATION: 5.10: 19/15–16
REVELATION: 20.6:19/15–16
EXODUS: 3.16: 19/19
MATTHEW: 26.3: 19/21
¶Why he vseth loue rather then cheryte
He rebuketh also that I translate thys greke word
agape in to loue / and not rather in to charite so holy and so
knowen a terme. Verely charite is no knowen Englesh in that
sens whych agape requireth. For when we saye / geue youre almes
in the worshepe of God and swete saint charite / and when the
father teacheth his sonne to saye blissinge father for saint
charite / what meane they? In good faith they wot not. Morouer
when we saye / God helpe you / I haue done
my charite for this daye / doo we not take it for almes? And the
man is euer chidinge and out of charyte /