and I beshrew him sauinge my charyte / there we take it for
pacyence. And when I saye a charitable man / it is taken for
mercifull. And though mercifulnesse be a good loue or rather
springe of a good loue / yet ys not euery good
loue mercifulnesse. As when a woman loueth her
husbonde godly or a man his wife or his frend that is in none
aduersitie / it is not allwaye mercifulnesse. Also we saie not
this man hath a greate charite
to god / but a greate loue. Wherefore I must haue
vsed this generall terme loue / in spite of mine herte often
tymes. And agape and charitas were wordes vsed amonge the
hethen yer chryste came / and signified therfore more then a
godly loue. And we maye saye well ynough and haue hearde it
spoken that the turkes be charitable one to a nother amonge
them selues and some of them vnto the
chrysten to. Besydes all thys agape ys comen vnto all