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¶Why fauoure and not grace
And wyth lyke reasons rageth he because I turne charis in to
fauoure and not in to grace / sayenge that euery fauoure is not
and that in some fauoure there is but litle grace. I
can saye also in
some grace there is lytle goodnesse. And when we saye
/ he stondeth well in my ladis grace / we vnderstonde no greate
godly fauoure. And in vniuersities manye vngracious graces are
¶Why knowlege and not confessyon / repentaunce and
not penaunce
And that I vse this word knowlege and not confession
/ and this repentaunce and not penaunce. In whych all he can not
proue / that I geue not the ryghte englishe vnto the greke
worde. But yt ys a ferre other thynge that payneth them and
byteth them by the
brestes. There be secret panges that pinch the very
hertes of them / where of they dare not complayne.
The sekenesse that maketh them so impacyent ys / that they haue
lost theyr iuglinge termes. For the doctours and
preachers were wont to make many deuisyons / distinccyons and
sortes of grace / gratis data / gratum faciens / preueniens and
subsequens. And wyth
confessyon they iugled / and made the people / as
ofte as they spake
of yt: vnderstonde shryft in the eare. Wherof the
scripture maketh no mencyon: no it is cleane agenst the
scrypture as they vse yt and preach yt / and vn to god an
abhominacyon and a foule stinkynge sacrifice vnto the filthy
ydole priapus. The losse of those iuglinge termes ys the mater
where of all these bottes brede / that gnawe them by the belies
and make them so vnquiet.