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lyghteneth the hertes of the beleuers and maketh them true / and clenseth them from lies / as thou readest Ihon .xv. ye be cleane by reason of the word. Which is to be vnderstond / in that the word had purged their hertes from lies / from false opinions and from thynkynge evell good / and therfore from consentinge to synne. And Ihon .xvij. sanctifie them o father thorow thy trueth. And thy word is trueth. And thus thou seist that gods trueth dependeth not of man. It is not true because man so saith or addmitteth it for true: But man is true because he beleueth it / testifieth and geueth wittenesse in his hert that it is true. And Christ also saith him selfe Ihon .v. I receaue no wittenesse of man. For if the multitude of manswittenesse might make ought true / then were the doctrine of Mahomete truer then Christes.

Iohan .xv. [1531]

Iohan .17. [1531]

¶Whether the appostles left ought vnwritten / that is of necessite to be beleued

But did not the appostles teach ought by mouth that they wrott not? I answere / because that many taught one thinge / and every man the same in diuers places and vnto diuers people / and confirmed euery sermon with a sondry miracle: therfore Christ and his appostles preached an hundred thousand sermons and did as many miracles which had bene superfluous to haue bene all written. But the pith and substaunce in generall of euery thinge necessarie vn to oure soules health / both of what we ought to beleue & what we ought to doo / was written / and of the miracles done to confirme it / as ma