KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
ny as were nedefull. So that what soeuer we ought to beleue or
doo / that same is written expresly or drawen out of that
which is written.
For if I were bounde to doo or beleue vnder payne of the losse
my soule any thynge that were not written / ner
depended of that
which is written / what holpe me the scripture that is
written? And therto in as moch as Christ and all his apostles
warned vs that false prophetes shuld come with false miracles /
even to disceaue the electe / if it were possible / where with
shuld the true preacher confounde the false / excepte he brought
true miracles to confounde the false or else autentycke
scripture of full auctorite all ready amonge the people.
Matt. 24.24, Mark 13.22:
25/2–4, 89/25–26, 99/30–32, 100/6, 101/9–12, 129/27
Some man wolde axe / how did god continue his congregacion from Adam to Noe / & from Noe to Abraham / and so to Moses /
with out wrytynge / but with teachynge from mouth to mouth.
I answere first that there was no scripture all the while /
they shall proue / when oure lady hath a new sonne. God taught
Adam greater
thinges then to write. And that there was writynge in
the world longe yer Abraham ye and yer Noe doo stories
Notwithstondinge / though there had bene no writynge / the preachers were euer prophetes glorious in doynge of miracles /
where with they confirmed their preachynge. And beyonde
that god wrote his testament vn to them all waye / both what to
doo and to
beleue / even in sacramentes. For the sacrifices
which god gaue Adams sonnes were no dumme popetrie or