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vnto my soule / when I had beleved it / as smoke for sore eyes.
What holpe it me to beleue that
oure laidies bodie is in heuen? what am I the better
for the beleffe
of purgatorye? to feare men thou wilt saye. Christ
& his appostles thought hell ynough. And yet (besydes that
the fleshly imaginacion maye not stonde with gods worde) what
greate feare can there be
of that tereble fire which thou maist quench all most
for .iij. halfe pence?
And that the apostles shuld teach ought by mouth which
they wold not write / I praye you for what purpose? because
they shuld not come in to the handes of the hethen for mockynge
/ saith M. More. I pray you what thinge moare to be mocked of
the hethen coude they teach / then the resurreccion / and that
Christ was god
and man and died betwene .ij. theves / and that for
his dethes sake / all that repent and beleue therin / shuld
haue their sinnes forgeuen them. Ye and if the apostles
vnderstode therby as we doo what madder
thinge vnto hethen people coude they haue taught
then that bred is Christis body and wine his bloude. And yet
all these thynges they wrote. And agayne purgatory / confession
in the eare / penaunce and satisfaccion for synne to godward
with holy deades / and prayenge to saintes with soch like / as
dome sacramentes and ceremonies
/ ar marvelouse agreable vn to the supersticion of the hethen
people / so that they neaded not to absteyne from writynge
of them / for feare lest the hethen shuld haue mocked them.
man and] ed., man an 1531, man, and 1573
people] 1573, people / [1531]
Morouer what is it that the appostles taught by mouth and durst
not write? The sacramentes? As for baptim and the sacrament
of the
body &