KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
¶How a christen man can not erre / and how he maye
yet erre
And as they synne not / so they erre not. And on the
other syde
as they synne / so they erre: but never vn to deeth
and damnacion. For they never synne of purpose ner holde any
erroure maliciously / synnynge agenst the holygoste / but of
weakenesse and infirmitie. As good obedient childern / though
they loue their fathers commaundementes / yet breake them oft /
by the reason of their wekenesse . And as they can not yelde them
selves bond vn to synne / to serue it: even so they can not
erre in any thynge that shuld be agenst the promises which are
in christe. And in other thynges their erroures
be not vn to damnacion / though they be neuer so
greate / because
they hold them not maliciously. As now / if some when
they reade in
the new testament of Christes brethern / wold thynke
that they were oure ladies childern aftir the birth of christe
/ because they know not the vse of speakynge of the scripture
or of the hebrues / how that nye kinsmen becalled brethern / or
happly they might be Iosephes childern / by some first wife /
neyther can haue any to teach him for tiranny that is so greate
/ yet coude it not hurte him / though he died therin / because
it hurteth not the redempcion that is in christes bloude. For
though she had none but christ / I am therfore neuer the moare
saued / neyther yet the lesse / though she had had. And in soch
like an hundred that plucke not a mans faith from Christ / they might erre / and yet beneuer the lesse saued no though the contrary
were written in the gospel. For as in other synnes /
God . . . only.
Cf. John 4.23–24.
Faith to his
promises. Cf. Gal. 3.22, Heb. 6.12.
Fastynge . . .
goinge. Cf. CWM 6/1.44/14–19.
pilgrimage. More
defends pilgrimages in Bk. 1, Ch. 4 and 16, cf. 62/1n. The Messenger
describes the shrine of St. Valery in Bk. 2, Ch. 10, cf. 123/25n.
Matt. 12.46–47, Mark
3.31–32, Luke 8.19–20: 31/14
god . . .
drinke. Cf. Ps. 50.13.