But they which maliciously maynetene opinions agenst the
scripture / or that that can not be proued by the scripture /
or soch as
make no mater vn to the scripture and saluacion that
is in christ whether they be true or noo / and for the blinde
zele of them make sectes / breakinge the vnite of christes
church / for whose sake they ought to suffre all thynge / and
rise agenst their neyboures / whom
they ought to loue as them selues / to slee them /
soch men I saye
are fallen from christe and make an Idole of their
opinions. For except they put trust in soch opinions and thought
them necessarie vn to saluacion / or with a cankred conscience
went about to disceaue / for some filthie purpose / they wold
never breake the vnite of faith
or yet slee their brethern. Now is this a playne
conclusion / that both
they that trust in their awne workes / and they also
that put confidence in their awne opinions / be fallen from
Christe and erre from the waye of faith that is in christes
bloude / and therfore are none of christes church / because they
be not bilt vppon the rocke of faith.