KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural

mory and forgetteth him selfe and stondeth and beholdeth and falleth to playe also / forgettynge father and mother / all their kyndes / all their lawes and his awne profitt therto. How be it the knowlege of his fathers kyndnesse / the faith of his promises and the loue that he hath agayne vn to his father and the obedient mynde are not vtterly quenched / but lye hyd / as all thynges do when a man slepeth or lieth in a traunce. And assone as he hath played out all his lustes or be warned in the meane season / he cometh agayne vn to his olde profession. Neuer the later many temptacions goo ouer his herte / and the law as a right hangman tormenteth his conscience and goeth nye to persuade him that his father will cast him a waye and hange him if he ketche him so that he is like a greate while to runne awaye rather then to returne vn to his father agayne. Feare and dreade of rebuke and of losse of his fathers loue and of punishment wrastell with the trust which he hath in his fathers goodnesse and as it were geue his faith a fall. But it riseth agayne assone as the rage of the first brount is past and his mynd moare quiett. And the goodnesse of his father and his old kindnesse cometh vn to remembraunce / eyther of his awne corage or by the comforte of some other. And he beleueth that his father will not cast him a waye or destroye him / and hopeth that he will no moare doo so.

kyndes] kindnes 1573

82/10 sacrifices of the old law. Cf. CWM 6/1.50/2–3.

82/14–18 And when . . . old testament. Cf. Isa. 58.3–7, Joel 2.13, Hos. 6.6.

82/19–20 Rom. xiiij. . . . abounde. Cf. Rom. 14.5. Answer translates the Vulgate, unusquisque in suo sensu abundet. Tyndale's 1526 NT gives "Se that no man waver in hys awne mynde"; 1534 NT has "in his awne meanynge" (Wallis 339/9; TNT 239B). KJV has, "Let euery man bee fully perswaded [fully assured] in his owne minde." The 1557 edition of Dialogue (CWM 6/1.50/14) identifies this quote as 1 Thess. 4.[10]. Cf. "We beseche you brethren that ye encreace more and more" (Wallis 430/15–16; TNT 302B).

And vppon that he geteth him home / dismayed. But not all to gether faythlesse. The old kyndneses wyll not lett him dispayre. How be it all the world can not sett his hert at rest / vntill the payne be past / and vntyll he haue herd

82/26–27 Luther . . . immediatly. Luther's sermon on 14 September 1522, feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, attacked giving contributions of silver and gold for reliquaries holding fragments of the true cross, while at the same time paying no heed to God's mandate to help the poor (WA 10/3.332–34; not in LW). This sermon also circulated in Latin in a collection published in Strassburg in 1526 (WA 10/3.xxi). (JW)

82/26–30 Luther . . . ferthynge. Cf. CWM 6/1.51/10–17.

LUKE: 15.11–24: 33/27–29