KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural

we se some at their very later ende / when colde feare of deeth hath quenched the heet of their appetites / lerne and consent vnto the trueth / where vnto before they coude geue none eare / for the wylde rages of lustes that blinded their wittes.

83/22–23 bones ... a deed man. Cf. 2 Kings 13.21.

And though gods electe can not so faull that they rise not agayne / because that the mercy of god euer wayteth vppon them / to deliuer them from euell / as the care of a kind father wayteth vppon his sonne / to warne him and to kepe him from occasions and to call hym bake agayne yf he begonne to ferre: yet they forgett them selues oftymes and synke downe in to traunces and fall aslepe in lustes for a season. But assone as they be awaked they repent and come agayne wyth out resistaunce. God now and then withdraweth his hande and leueth them vnto their awne strength / to make them feale that there is no power to do good but of god only lest they shulde be proude of that which is none of theirs. God layd so sore awaight of persecucion vppon Dauids backe that passed his strength to beare. So that he cried oft out in his psalmes / sayenge that he had liued well and folowed the right waye off God in vaine. For the moare he kepte him selfe from sinne / the worse yt went with hym / as he thought / and the better with his enemie Saull the worse he was. Yet god left hym not there / but comforted him and shewed him thynges which before he wist not of / how that the saintes must be pacyent and a byde gods heruest / vntyll the wekedenesse of vngodly synners befull ripe / that god maye repe it in dew season.

Mercye waiteth euer on the electe. [1531]

83/26–28 whosoeuer . . . him selfe. Cf. Num. 19.16–19.

83/28–30 place . . . poluted. Cf. 2 Kings 23.14, 16, 20.

PSALMS: 30.7: 34/32–34

1 SAMUEL: 18–31: 35/1–5

84/1 miracles done at the holy crosse. When Helena, mother of Constantine, discovered three crosses under the temple of Venus built by Hadrian in Jerusalem, the cross of Christ was identified by miracles. Socrates Scholasticus (c380—c450) (NCE 13.408–9) relates that the Bishop of Jerusalem cured a dying woman with a piece of the true cross. Cf. his Ecclesiastical History [on AD 305–439], 1.17 (PG 67.117–22; 2NPNF 2.21–22). Sozomen (c400–c450) (NCE 13.489) repeats this story and briefly alludes to the raising of a dead youth. Cf. his parallel Ecclesiastical History [on AD 323–425], 2.1 (PG 67.929–34; 2NPNF 2.258–59). The Golden Legend gives both incidents but greatly enlarges the latter with details taken from Luke 7.11 on the son of the widow of Nain (GL 1.280–82).

Dauid [1531]

in] of 1573

PSALMS: 18:35/3–5

PSALMS: 52:35/3–5

PSALMS: 54: 35/3–5

PSALMS: 57: 35/3–5

PSALMS: 59:35/3–5

PSALMS: 73–3: 35/3–5

PSALMS: 73–13: 35/3

84/4–5 pilgrimes . . . circles. Cf. CWM 6/1.55/21–23.

84/6 prayenge in the spirite. Cf. John 4.24 and CWM 6/1.58/ 12–15.

84/7–8 we ... a nother. Cf. CWM 6/1.59/30–31.

repe] ripe 1573

God also suffered occasyons stronger then