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Dauid / to faull vppon him and to carie him cleane out of the waye. Was he not readye for a churlysshe answere to haue slayn naball and all the males of his housse / so moch as the chyld in the cradell? how be it God with helde hym and kepte him backe from that evell / thorow the wisdome of Abegall. How longe slomberd he / or rather how hard in slepe was he in the adulterye of Bathseba. And in the murther of her husbond Vriah / But at both tymes assone as he was rebuked and his faulte told him / he repented immedyatly & turned agayne mekely. Now in all that longe tyme / from the adulterye of Bathsabe vntyll the prophete Nathan rebuked him he had not lost his faith nor yet his loue vnto the lawes of god / no moare then a man loseth hys wittes when he ys a slepe. He had forgott hym selfe only and had not malycyously cast of the yocke of gods commaundementes from off his necke. There is no man so good / but that there cometh a tyme vppon hym / when he fealeth in hym selfe no moare faith or loue vnto god / then a sycke man oftymes feleth the tast of his meate which he eateth.

1 SAMUEL: 25–10–35: 35/11–15

2 SAMUEL: 11–12: 35/16–19

And in lyke maner the apostles of chryst at hys passyon were astonyed and amased and in soch a storme of temptacyons / for the soden chaunge from soo greate glorye in to so vyle and shamfull deeth / that they had forgott all the myracles and all the wordes whych he had told them before / how that he shulde be betrayed and delyuered on the same maner vnto deeth. Morouer they neuer vnderstode that sayenge of hys deeth because their hertes were all waye hevie and ouer lade wyth erthely

Matt. 26.56, Mark 14.50: 35/28–29

Matt. 16.21, Mark 8.31, Luke 9.22: 35/31–33

LUKE: 18.34: 35/33–36/2