KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
risen and longed for hym? But coude not beleue the wound of
temptacyon beinge greater then that it coude be healed wyth the
preachynge of a woman with out any other miracle.
Ioseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus which while he yet liued
durst not be a knowen of hym assone as he was deed /
bedged his
bodie and buried hym boldly. And the wemen assone as
yt was lawful
to worke prepared their annoyntmentes with all
diligence. And
the hertes of the dysciples that went to Emaus burned
in their brestes
to heare speake of hym.
And thomas had not forsaken Christ / but coude not beleue vntyll
he sawe hym / and yet desyred and longed to se hym and
when he saw hym and for ioye cryed out / my lorde my
god. There was none of them that euer railed on hym and came so
ferre forth / to saye / he was a disceauer and wrought wyth the
dyuels craft all thys whyle / and se where to he ys come in the
ende? we defye hym
and all hys werkes false wretch that he was and hys
false doctrine also. And therto must they haue come at the last
/ when feare / sorow and wonderynge had bene past / yf they had
not bene preuented
and holpe in the meane tyme.
Yee and peter assone as he had denied chryst came too
hym selfe immedyatly and went out and wepte bytterly for sorow.
And thus ye se / that peters fayth fayled not / though yt were
oppressed for a tyme: so that we neade to seke no gloses for
the texte that Chryst
sayd to peter how that hys fayth shulde not fayle.
Yes sayth Master More yt fayled in hym selfe / but was reserued
in our ladye.
Peters fayth fayled not. 1531
[Hand] 1531