KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural

they had sowed to the scripture in playne places and in the takynge a waye the meaninge of the ceremonies and sacrifices and teachinge to beleue in the worke.

And oure ypocrites are in like maner crept vpp in to the sete of Christ and of his apostles / by succession: not to doo the dedes of Christ and his appostles / but for lucre only (as the nature of the wilye foxe is / to gett him an hole made with a nother beestes laboure ) and to make marchaundice of the people with fayned wordes / as Peter warned vs before / & to doo acordinge as Christ and all his apostles prophesyed / how they shuld begyle and leade out of the right waye / all them that had no loue to folow and liue aftir the trouth.

And in like maner haue they corrupte the scripture / and blinded the right waye with their awne constitucions / with tradicions of domme ceremonies / with takynge awaye the significacions of the sacramentes / to make vs beleue in the worke of the sacramentes first / where by they might the better make vs beleue in workes of their settynge vpp aftirwarde / and with false gloses which they haue patched to the scripture in playne places to destroye the litterall sens for to sett vp a false fayned sens of allegories / when there is none soch. And therby they haue stopte vpp the gates of heven / the true knowlege of Christ / and haue made their awne belies the dore. For thorow their belies must thou crepe and there leave all thy fall behynde the.

And soch blynd reasons as oures make agenst vs / made they agenst Christe sayenge: Abraham is our father / we be Moses disciples / how knoweth he the vnderstondinge of the scripture / seinge he neuer lerned of any of vs? only the cursed