KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural

of their hertes. For as they write / so they beleue. Other felynge of the lawes of god and feyth of chryst haue they none / then that theyr God the pope so sayth. And therfore as the pope preacheth with hys mouth only / even soo beleue they wyth theyr mouth only what soeuer he preacheth / with out moare a doo / be it neuer so abhominable / and in theyr hertes consent vnto all their fathers wekednesse and folow hym in theyr dedes as fast as they can runne.

The turkes beinge in numbre. v. tymes mo then we knowlege one God and beleue many thynges of God moued only by the auctoryte of theyr elders and presume that God wyll not let so greate a multitude erre so longe tyme. And yet they haue erred and bene faythlesse thys .viij. hundred yeres. And the Iewes beleue thys daye / as moch as the carnall sorte of them euer beleued / moued also by the auctoryte of theyr elders only / and thynke that yt ys impossyble for them to erre / beynge Abrahams seed and the chyldern of them to whom the promysses of all that we beleue were made. And yet they haue erred and bene faythlesse thys .xv. hundred yeres. And we of lyke blyndnesse beleue only by the auctoryte of our elders and of lyke pryde thynke that we can not erre / beynge soch a multytude. And yet we se how God in the olde testament did lett the greate multitude erre / reseruynge al waye a litle flocke to call the other backe agayne and to testifie vnto them the right waye.

JOHN: 8.33: 52/10

ROMANS: 9.7–8: 52/10–11

JEREMIAH: 23.3: 52/16,100/27, 105/7, 105/9, 106/19, 107/2, 107/27, 107/29, 108/28, 109/3, 122/2

¶How this word church hath a double interpretacyon

This ys therfore a sure conclusyon / as paul sayth .Ro. ix. that not all they that are of Israel are Israelites / neyther because they

ROMANS: 9.6–7: 52/20–22, 69/6–8