KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
couenauntes / ordinaunces and decrees of men / & knoweth
the office
of euery degre and the due honoure of euery person. And he that
hath not that written in his herte is popish and of
the spiritualtie which vnderstondeth nothynge saue his awne
honoure his awne profit and what is good for him selfe only: and
when he is as he wold
be / thinketh that al the world is as it shuld
causes venged.
An example of vindictive conquest by the higher clergy was the series of
campaigns mounted by northwest German bishops, led by Archbishop Gerhard
II of Bremen, against the recalcitrant peasants of the lower Weser in
1232–34. Gregory IX (pope, 1227–41) issued a crusade-bull in support.
Cf. Konrad Algermissen, "Stedinger," LThK 9.1027–28. Other examples of
use of the crusade for political causes are given by Hans Wolter in
Jedin and Dolan 4.284f. (JW)
During the summit meeting at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, Wolsey
celebrated Solemn High Mass for Henry VIII and Francis I (king, 1515–47)
on Saturday, 23 June 1520. The kings did not receive the Eucharist, but
both kissed the pax (LP 3 /1, no. 870). In spite of this pledge of
peace, England declared
war against France on 29 May 1522 (LP 3/2, no.
2292). English troops then undertook a campaign of burnings in northern
France in September 1522 (LP 3/2, no. 2530). For the pax,
cf. 70/29n.
whether ...
founders. Dispensations (cf. 154/4n also served to remove legal
impediments to the rise of ecclesiastics from lower-paying dioceses,
offices, and benefices to more lucrative ones. One could be
dispensed from the prohibition against holding a plurality of beneficed
positions, and dispensations from higher authorities could allow the
diversion of bequests to ends other than those stipulated by the
original donors, cf. 51/14–15n. (JW)
¶Of worshepinge and what is to be vnderstonde by the
Concerninge worshepinge or honouringe (which .ij. termes are both one) M. More bringeth forth a difference / a distinccion or
diuision of greke wordes / fayned of oure scolemen which of
late nether vnderstode greke / latine or hebrue / called dulia
/ yperdulia and latria . But the difference declareth he not ner
the propirties of the wordes / but with confused termes leadeth
you blindfold in his mase.