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In like maner if the officer abusynge his power / compell the subiecte to doo that which god forbiddeth or to leue vndone that which god commaundeth / so he dishonoureth god / in withdrawenge his seruaunt from him / and maketh an Idole of his awne lustes / in that he honoureth them a boue god / and he dishonoureth his brother in that he abuseth him contrary vn to the right vse which God hath created him for and christ hath bought him for / which is to wayte on gods commaundementes. For iff the officer be other wise minded then this / the worst of these subiectes is made by the hondes of him that made me / and bought with the bloude of him that bought me / and therfore my brother and I but his saruaunt only / to defende him and to kepe him in the honoure that god and christ hath sett him / that no man dishonoure him: he dishonoureth both God and man. And therto if any subiecte thynke any otherwise of the officer (though he be an emperoure) then that he is but a sarvaunt only / to ministre the office indifferently / he dishonoureth the office and god that ordeyned it. So that all men / what so euer degre they be of are every man in his rowme / saruauntes to other / as the hand sarueth the foote and every membre one a nother. And the angels of heuen are al so oure brethern and very saruauntes for Christes sake / to defend vs from the power of the deuels.

1 PETER: 1.18–19: 55/27, 56/11, 56/17, 56/22–23, 57/7, 57/10, 58/9

1 PETER: 1.18–19: 55/27, 56/11, 56/17, 56/22–23, 57/7, 57/10, 58/9

MATTHEW: 20.27: 57/18

MATTHEW: 23.11: 57/18

1 CORINTHIANS: 12.15, 25: 57/19

And finally all other creatures that are nether angels ner man / are in honoure lesse then man / and man is lorde ouer them / & they created to sarue him / as scripture testifieth / and he not to serue them / but only / his lord god and his sauioure Christe.

PSALMS: 8.6: 57/23–24