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¶Of worshepinge of sacramentes /
ceremonies / images / reliques and so forth
Now let vs come to the worshepynge or honourynge of sacramentes
ceremonies images and reliques. First images be not god /
and therfore no confidence is to be geuen them.
They be not made
after the image of god ner are the price of
christes bloude / but the
werkmansheppe of the craftes man and the price of money and
inferioures to man.
testament of
Christes bloud. Cf. Heb. 13.20.
litle flocke . . .
bloude. This is a passage of lyrical beauty, such as is seldom
met in controversial writing of the period. On the same topic, cf.
201/13–28. (JW)
Wherfore of all right man ys lord ouer them and the honoure of
them is to doo man seruyce and mans dishonoure yt ys to doo
honorable seruyce / as vnto hys better. Images then
and reliques ye
and as christ saith / the holy daye to are seruantes
vnto man. And therfore it foloweth that we can not / but vnto
oure damnacion put
one a cote worth an hundred cotes / vppon a postes
backe / and let the ymage of god and the price of christes
bloude goo vpp & downe / therby naked. For yf we care more
to cloth the deed image made by man and the pryce of seluer
then the liuely image of god and pryce of christes bloude /
then we dishonoure the image of god and hym that made him and
the price of chrystes. bloude and hym that bought hym.
christ . . .
christes. Cf. 1 Cor. 3.23.
and all . . .
christe. Cf. Matt. 25.40.
Wherfore the right vse / office and honoure of al
creatures inferiores vnto man / is to do man seruice / whether
they be images / reliques / ornamentes signes or sacramentes /
holidayes / ceremonies
or sacrifices. And that maie be on this maner and no
doute it so once
was. If (for an ensample) I take a pece of the
crosse of christe and make a litle crosse therof and beare it
aboute me / to loke theron with a repentinge hert / at tymes
when I am moued therto / to put me in remembraunce that the
body of christ was broken and his
And he . . .
dreade. Compare Luther's account of the believer's willing
service of others without thought of recompense : "to serve,
help, and deal with the neighbor as he sees that God through Christ has
dealt with him and still deals with him," Freedom of a
Christian, 1520 (WA 7.35/25–27; LW 31.366). (JW)
And of that . .
. frely. Cf. Matt. 10.8.