KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
shed theron / for my sinnes / and beleue stedefastly that
the mercyfull trueth of god shall forgeue the sinnes
of all that repent for his deeth sake and neuer thinke on them
moare then it seruith me and I not it and doeth me the same
seruice as yf I red the testament in a boke / or as iff the
preacher preached it vnto me. And in like maner if I make a
crosse in my forehed / in a remembraunce that god hath promised
assistence vnto al that beleue in him / for his sake that died
on the crosse / then doeth the crosse serue me and I not it. And in like maner if I beare on me or loke vppon a crosse of what
soeuer mater it be / or make a crosse vppon me / in
remembraunce that whosoeuer wilbe christes disciple must sofre
a crosse of aduersite
tribulacions and persecucion / so doeth the crosse
serue me and I not it. And this was the vse of the crosse once /
and for this cause it was
at the begynnynge set vpp in the churches.
When . . .
agenst you. The account of the inner-ecclesial
dualism ends with the two parties in dialogue. Carnal multitude interrogates and indicts (107/28–30, 108/5–8, 108/17–27), while
Little Flock defends itself doctrinally (107/30–108/5, 108/8–17). Carnal
multitude then turns to warn the king of the subversion likely to follow
from Little Flock's obstinacy against traditions and ecclesial
sacraments (108/29–109/3). (JW)
greate . . .
chosen. Cf. Matt. 22.14.
MATTHEW: 16.24: 58/33–59/1
Fire/salt/water/bred/oyle. Little Flock opposes the multitude
's claim that objects have spiritual potency by appealing
to the sole saving power of Christ's blood laid hold of by faith in his
word. The beliefs of the multitude rest on the church's myriad prayers
of blessing over objects, which are studied panoramically in A. Franz,
Die kirchlichen Benediktionen im Mittlealter,
2 vol. (Freiburg: Herder, 1909). (JW)
god ...
therwith. Cf. John 4.24.
And so yf I make an image of christ or of any thinge
that christ hath done for me / in a memory / it is good and not
euel vntill it be abvsed.
The worshepynge of images
And euen so / yf I take the true life of a saynt and cause it to
painted or carued / to put me in remembraunce of the
saintes life / to folow the saynt as the saint did christe / and
to put me in remembraunce
of the greate faith of the saint to god and how
true god was
to helpe him out of al tribulacion / and to se the
saintes loue to warde his neyboure / in that he so paciently
sofered so paynefull a deeth and so cruell marterdome to
testifie the trueth for to saue other / and all to strength my
soule with all and my faith to god and loue to my neyboure /
then doeth the image serue me and I not it. And this was the
vse of images at the beginninge and of reliques also.
blessynges . . .
nacions. Cf. Gen. 18.18, Gal. 3.16.
to] 1573, co [1531]
to warde] towardes 1573