KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
in so moch that they which be most wontte to offer to images
and to shewe them / be so colde in offerynge to
the pore / that they wyll scace geue them the
scrappes which must else be geuen dogges / or their old shone /
iff they maye haue new bromes for them.
if . . .
venged. Because Tyndale believes that salvation depends on absolute trust in Christ's merits, he excuses the
temporary "frailte" (111/1) f the elect. Because More
believes in the cooperation of divine grace and human action, he
emphasizes "malycyous wyll" in sinners, cf. CWM 6/1.197/30.
To speake of pilgrimages / I saye / that a christen man / so that
he leaue nothinge vndone at home that he is bounde to doo / is
fre to
goo whother he will / only aftir the doctrine of the
lorde / whose
seruaunte he is and not his awne. If he goo and viset
the pore / the secke and the presoner / it is well done and a
worke that god commaundeth . If he goo to this or that place / to
heare a sermon or because his mynd is not quiet at home / or if
because his hert is to moch occupied on his worldly businesses
bi the reasons of occasions at home / he gett him in to a moare
quiett and styll place / where his minde is moare abstracte and
pulled from worldly thoughtes it is
well done. And in all these places if what soeuer it
be / whether liuely preachynge / ceremonie / relique or image
stere vpp his herte to god and preach the worde of god and the
ensample of oure sauioure Iesus moare in one place then in a
nother / that he thither goo / I am content. And yet he bydeth
a lorde and the thynges serue him and he not them / Now whether
his entent be so or no / his dedes wil testifie / as his
vertuouse gouernynge of his housse and louynge demeanoure to
warde his neyghboures: yee and gods worde wilbe
all waye in his hert and in his mouth & he euery
daye perfecter then other.
yer . . .
Christ. Cf. Eph. 1.4.
MATTHEW: 25.36: 62/5–6
He . . .
enimies. Cf. Rom. 5.8.
flesh . . .
not. Cf. Rom. 7.19.
ROMANS: 10.8: 62/19–20
when . . .
better. Cf. Acts 9.1–18, Gal. 1.13–16.