KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural

For there can nothinge edifie mans soule saue that which preacheth him gods worde. Only the worde of god worketh the health of the soule. And what someuer preacheth him that / can not but make him perfecter.

111/24 serue hys brethern. Cf. Col. 1.24; kepe the flesh vnder. Cf. 2 Cor. 12.7.

111/25 Dauid . . . synned. Cf. 2 Sam. 11–12.1–25.

But to beleue that god wilbe sought moare in one place then in a nother / or that god will heare the moare in one place then in a nother / or moare where the image is / then where it is not is a false faith and Idolatrie or imageseruice. For first god dwelleth not in temples made with handes Actes .xvij. Item steuen died for the contrary and proued it by the prophetes Actes .vij. And Salomon in the .viij. off the thirde of the kinges / when he had byld his temple / testified the same and that he had not byld it for god to dwell in / ye and that god dwelleth not in the erth / but that he shuld out of heuen heare the prayars of them that prayed there. And the prophetes did often testifye vn to the people that had soch a false faith that god dwelt in the temple / that he dwelt not their. Morouer god in his testament byndeth him selfe vn to no place ner yet the: But speaketh generally (concerninge where and when) sayenge psalme .xlix. in the daye of the tribulacion thou shalt call on me and I wil deliuer the / and thou shalt glorifie me. He setteth nether place ner tyme / But whersoeuer and when soeuer: so that the prayar of Iob vppon the dongehyll was as good as Poules in the temple. And when oure sauioure saith Ihon .xvj. Whatsoeuer ye axe my father in my name / I will geue it you / he saith not in this or that plase / or this or that daye: but whersoeuer & when soeuer / as well in the feldes as in the toune and on the Monedaye as on the sondaye. God

[Hand] [1531]

ACTS: 17.24: 62/29–30,68/5, 86/3

God dwelleth not in any place. Actes .7. 1531

ISAIAH: 66.1: 62/30–31, 68/2–3, 86/2

ACTS: 7.48–49: 62/30–31

111/30–31 if . . . therby. Cf. CWM 6/1.200/29–34.

byld] built 1573

1 KINGS: 8.27, 30: 63/1–3, 86/4

112/1–2 as . . . god. Cf. 1 John 4.10.

byld] built 1573

JEREMIAH: 7.4: 63/4–5, 86/28–33

112/4–5 christ . . . vnto them. Cf. Matt. 28.19, Mark 16.15, Luke 24.47.

112/5–7 storyes . . . declare. For God's mercy to Adam and Eve after the Fall, cf. Gen. 3.9–24. For the liberation of a remnant from the Babylonian captivity, cf. Ezek. 34.11. For the extension of Yahweh 's favor to the Gentiles, cf. the three foreign women in the genealogy of Jesus: the Canaanite Rahab, cf. Josh. 2.1–21; the Moabite Ruth, cf. Ruth 1.4; the Hittite Bathsheba, cf. 2 Sam. 11.3. God's quest for the lost soul is depicted in the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, cf. Luke 15.4–6, 8–9.

PSALMS: 50.15: 63/7–9

Psal. 49. [1531]

112/8–9 he neuer . . . life. Cf. CWM 6/1.201/21–22.

shalt] 1573, salt [1531]

JOB: 2.8: 63/10–11

ACTS: 22.17: 63/11

JOHN: 16.23: 63/12–13

112/12 sir Thomas hitton. To counter Dialogue's claim that reformers would not die for their beliefs (cf. CWM 6/1.201/20–22), Tyndale asserts Hitton's perseverance unto death (Prelates K6). Confutation calls Hitton "the dyuyls stynkyng martyr" (CWM 8/1.17/1), and Apology opposes Hitton's execution near Canterbury to Becket's martyrdom in Canterbury (CWM 9.355). Foxe briefly summarizes Hitton's imprisonment and death at Maidstone in 1530 (4.619) and his interrogations by Warham and Fisher (8.712–15). Cf. nn to 114/17–18, 148/6–7, 215/17–19.

Ioan .16. [1531]

112/13 caunterbury. William Warham (c1456–1532) was Lord Chancellor (1504–15) until he was replaced by Wolsey, and Archbishop of Canterbury (1503–32) until his death. On 15 May 1532, the higher clergy of the Archdiocese of Canterbury accepted the king's authority to license the legislative acts of the English Church, and the next day, Warham as Primate presented the document of submission to Henry. Later the same day, More resigned from the Chancellorship (NCE 14.811; OER 4.257–58). In the Obedience, Tyndale accuses Warham of wanting to keep the NT as the secret of priests and a mystery to layfolk (K2v). Here, Tyndale condemns Warham and Fisher for their part in burning Thomas Hitton alive for importing a Tyndale NT in 1529. (JB)

112/14 in braband. A reference to the vigorous imperial prosecution of Lutherans in. the Spanish Netherlands. The first victims were two Antwerp Augustinian friars, Heinrich Voes and Johann van Esch, who were burned in the Great Square of Brussels on 1 July 1523. Luther was deeply moved by news of their deaths and composed both an open letter of encouragement to the surviving reformers in the Low Countries, Ein Brief an die Christen im Niederland (WA 12.77–80; not in LW), and a ballad (WA 35.411–15; not in LW). (JW) Erasmus comments on this event in Ep. 1384, To Huldrych Zwingli, Basel, 31 August [1523] (Allen 5.327/4–6; CWE 10.81/5–7). He refers to the execution of these two friars and of Louis de Berquin in April 1529 in Ep. 2188, To Charles Utenhove, Freiburg, 1 July 1529 (Allen 8.210/11–211/31; not yet in CWE).

112/14 at colen. The Cologne faculty of theology had condemned numerous propositions found in Luther's works even before the papal bull Exsurge Domine. In 1529 a quickly conducted heresy trial resulted in the burning of the Lutherans Adolph Clarenbach and Peter Fliesteden. (JW)

112/14–15 in all . . . douchlonde. Ten Germans were executed between the Brussels and Cologne burnings. Heinrich von Zütphen , the first Lutheran preacher in Bremen, was executed at Heide in December 1524, and Wolfgang Schuch and six others died in Alsace in 1526 and 1527. The Bavarian authorities executed Georg Wagner at Munich and Leonhard Kaiser at Schärding in 1527. Cf. "Märtyrer," Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, ed. Hans Frhr. v. Campenhausen et al., 3d ed., 7 vols. including Index (Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1957–65) 4.590. (JW)

JOHN: 4.24: 63/15–16, 84/6, 88/7–8,88/32–33, 108/3,124/17–18