KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
For there can nothinge edifie mans soule
saue that which preacheth him gods worde. Only the worde of god
worketh the
health of the soule. And what someuer preacheth him
that / can not
but make him perfecter.
But to beleue that god wilbe sought moare in one place then in a
nother / or that god will heare the moare in one
place then in a nother / or moare where the image is / then
where it is not is a false
faith and Idolatrie or imageseruice. For first god
dwelleth not in
temples made with handes Actes .xvij. Item steuen
died for the contrary and proued it by the prophetes Actes
.vij. And Salomon in the
.viij. off the thirde of the kinges / when he had
byld his temple /
testified the same and that he had not byld it for
god to dwell in / ye and that god dwelleth not in the erth / but
that he shuld out of heuen heare the prayars of them that prayed
there. And the prophetes did
often testifye vn to the people that had soch a false
faith that god
dwelt in the temple / that he dwelt not their.
Morouer god in his testament byndeth him selfe vn to no place
ner yet the: But speaketh
generally (concerninge where and when) sayenge
psalme .xlix. in
the daye of the tribulacion thou shalt call on me and
I wil deliuer
the / and thou shalt glorifie me. He setteth nether
place ner tyme / But whersoeuer and when soeuer: so that the
prayar of Iob vppon the dongehyll was as good as Poules in the
temple. And when oure
sauioure saith Ihon .xvj. Whatsoeuer ye axe my
father in my name /
I will geue it you / he saith not in this or that
plase / or this or that
daye: but whersoeuer & when soeuer / as well in
the feldes as in the toune and on the Monedaye as on the
sondaye. God
ACTS: 17.24: 62/29–30,68/5, 86/3
ISAIAH: 66.1: 62/30–31, 68/2–3, 86/2
ACTS: 7.48–49: 62/30–31
1 KINGS: 8.27, 30: 63/1–3, 86/4
JEREMIAH: 7.4: 63/4–5, 86/28–33
PSALMS: 50.15: 63/7–9
JOB: 2.8: 63/10–11
ACTS: 22.17: 63/11
JOHN: 16.23: 63/12–13
JOHN: 4.24: 63/15–16, 84/6, 88/7–8,88/32–33,