KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
is a
spirite and wilbe worsheped in the spirite Ihon
.iiij. That is / though he be present euery where / yet he
dwelleth liuely and
gloriously in the myndes of angells only and hertes
of men that
loue his lawes and trust in his promises. And
whersoeuer god findeth soch an hert / their he heareth the
prayar in all places and
tymes indifferently. So that the outward place nether
helpeth or
hindred / excepte (as I said) that a mans minde be
moare quiett and still from the rage of wordely businesses / or
that some thynge stere vpp the worde of god and ensample of our
sauioure moare in one place then in a nother.
angells] ed., angell 1531,
aungels 1573
hindred] hindreth 1573
¶Whence Idolatrie or imageseruice springeth
Now that thou maist se whence all this Idolatrie or imageseruice
is sprounge / marke a litle / and then I will answere
vn to the argumentes which these imageseruars make agenst the
open trueth. All
the ceremonies ornamentes and sacrifices of the
olde testament were
sacramentes. That is to wete / signes preachinge vn
to the people
one thynge or a nother. As circumcision preached vn
to them / that god had chosen them to be his people / and that
he wold be their god and defende them and encrease and multiplie
them and kepe them in that londe and blesse the frutes of the
erth and all their possessions . And on the other syde it
preached / how that they had promised god agayne to kepe his
commaundementes / ceremonies and ordinaunces. Now when they saw
their younge children circumcised / iff they consented vn to the
appoyntement made betwene god and them / moued by the pre
ceremonies] 1573, cerrmonies [1531]