Then they went further in the imagination
of their blynd reason sayenge / in as moch as god accepteth
these holy workes / that we be made righteous therby / then it
foloweth that he whyche offereth most / is most rightewesse and
the best man: ye and it is better to offer an oxe then a shepe
/ because it is more costly. And
so they stroue who might offer most / and the
prestes were well
apayde. Then went they further in their fleshly
wisdome sayenge: if I be good for the offeringe of a doue and
better for a shepe and yet better for an oxe / and so euer the
better thynge I offer / the better I am / Oh how accepted shuld
I be if I offered a man / and namelye him that I most loued? And
vppon that imaginacion / they offered their awne children and
burnt them to asshes before images that they had imagined.