KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural

holy day in vertue prayer and hearinge the worde of god / in almosdede / in visitynge the sycke / the nedie and comfortelesse and so forth / but went vp & downe ydlye / yet what soeuer nede his neyghboure had / he wolde not haue holpe hym on the saboth daye / as thou mayst se by the ruler of the synagoge which rebuked christ for healinge the people on the holy daye luke .xiij.

almosdede] ed., almosede 1531, almosedede 1573

115/25–27 Luke .vij. . . . then he. Cf. CWM 6/1.211/27–30. Confutation 's sidenote of 1557 identifies this text as Matt. 11.[11] while Tyndale cites the cognate verse, Luke 7.28. More misinterprets "the kingdom of heaven" as those that were "all redy in heuyn" (CWM 6/1.211/29), whereas Tyndale correctly refers to believers (115/27) in the New Dispensation.

LUKE: 13.14: 66/27–28

115/28–29 And he . . . grettest. Cf. Mark 9.35.

Luke. 13. [1531]

And of like blyndnesse they went and fett out the brasen serpent (which Moses commaunded to be kepte in the arcke for a memorie) and offered before it: thinkynge (no doute) that god must be there present / for else how coude yt haue healed the people that came not nye yt / but stode afarre off and beheld yt only. And a thousand soch madnesses did they.

NUMBERS: 21.9: 66/29

2 KINGS: 18.4: 66/29, 88/12, 123/9, 124/9, 125/16, 184/23

The brasen serpent 1531

madnesses] ed., madnessesse 1531, madnesse 1573

And of the temple they thought that god herd them there better then any were else: ye and he hearde them nowhere saue there. And therfore they coude not praye but there / as oures can no where but at church and before an ymage. For what prayar can a man praye / when the woorde of god is not in the temple of hys herte: ye and when soch come to church / what is their prayer and what is their deuocyon / saue the blynde imageseruice of their hertes.

JEREMIAH: 7.9–15: 67/4

The temple 1531

116/5 cursed . . . god. Cf. Jer. 17.5.

116/7–8 what . . . Christe. Cf. 1 Cor. 3.5.

116/8–9 Did . . . Paul. Cf. 1 Cor. 1.13.

116/9 Did . . . Christ. Cf. 2 Cor. 11.2.

116/10–13 let . . . gods. 1 Cor. 3.21–23.

But the prophetes euer rebuked them for soch faythlesse workes and for soch false fayth in theyr workes. In the .xlix. psalme saith the prophete / I wil receaue no calues of youre houses ner gottes out of youre foldes / thinke ye that I will eate the flesh of oxen or drynke the bloude of gottes? And Esaias saith in his first chaptre / what care I for the multitude of your sacryfyces sayth the lorde. I am full. I haue

Psal. 49. 1531

PSALMS: 50.9, 13: 67/12–15

ISAIAH: 11: 65/24–25, 67/15–18

116/15–16 praye . . . legion of angels. Cf. Matt. 26.53.