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they gatt the vpperhand. And therto the fyrst that were christened and all the offycers and bisshopes of the church / euen so moch as the greate God of Rome were Iewes for the most parte a greate season.

And Morouer / as paul saith .Ro. ix. not al that came of Israel are ryght Israelites nether are al they Abrahams sonnes that are Abrahams seed. Whi so? because they folowed not the steppes of the fayth of their graundfathers. Even so / not all they that were called and also came vnto the mariage whych god the father made betwene christ hys sonne and all sinners / brought their maryage garment wyth them / that is to wete / true faith wherwyth we be maryed vnto chryste and made his flesh and hys bloude and one spirite with hym / his brethern and heyres with him and the sonnes of god also. But many of them (to fulfyll the sayenge of christ / that the kyngdome of heuen / which is the gospell / is like a net that ketcheth good and bad) were dreuen in to the net and compelled to confesse that Iesus was christ and that seed that was promised Abraham and Messias that shuld come: not off any inward fealinge that the spirite of god gaue them / nether of any louely consent that they had vnto the law of god that it was good / mornynge / both because they had broken it and because also they had no power to fulfill it and therfore to obtayne mercie and power came to christ and vnto the father thorow him / with the hert of naturall childern which receaue all thinge frely of their fathers bounteous lyberalitie and of loue become saruauntes vnto theyr brethern for theyr fathers sake: But were compelled only