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re iesteth. Neuer the lesse this I wold were persuaded vn to you (as it is true) that the bildynge of them & soch like / thorow the false faith that we haue in them / is the decaye of all the hauens in Englande & of all the cities / townes / hie wayes & shortly of the hole comen wealth. For sens these false monstres crope vpp in to oure consciences & robbed vs of the knowlege of oure sauioure Christe / makynge vs beleue in soch pope holy workes & to thynke that ther was no nother waye vn to heuen / we haue not ceased to bylde them abbayes / cloysters / coleges / chauntrees and cathedrall churches with hie steples / striuinge & enuienge one a nother / who shuld do most. And as for the dedes / that pertayne vn to oure neyboures and vn to the comen wealth / we haue not regarded at all / as thinges which semed no holy workes or soch as god wold once loke vppon. And therfore we left them vnseneto / vntyl they were past remedie or past our power to remedie them / in as moch as our slowbelies with their false blessynges had iugled a waye from vs / that wherwith they might haue bene holpen in dew season. So that that syly pore man / though he had haply no wisdome to expresse his mynde / or that he durst not / or that master More fascioneth his tale as he doeth other mennes to iest out the trouth / sawe that nether goodwin sandes ner any other cause alleged was the decaye of sandwich hauen / so moch as that the people had no lust to maynetene the comen wealthe / for blynde deuocion which they haue to popeholy workes.