KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural

or for the obseruinge of any soch obseruances.

157/17–18 More . . . chaste. Cf. CWM 6/1.308/21–24.

God for thy bitter passion rore they out by and by / what an heretike is this? I tell the that holy church nede to allege no scripture for them for they haue the holy gost which inspireth them euer secretly / so that they can not erre whatsoeuer they saye / doo or ordayne . Whate wilt thou despice the blessed sacramentes of holy church wherwith god hath bene serued this .xv. hundred yere (ye verely this .v. thousand yeres / even sens caim hithirto / and shall endure vnto the worldes end / amonge them that haue no loue vn to the trueth to be saued therby) thou art a stronge heretike and worthy to be burnt. And then he is excomunicat out of the church. If litle flocke feare not that bogge / then they goo strayght vn to the kinge. And it like youre grace / perelous people and sedicious / and euen ynough to destroye youre realme / if ye se not to them betimes. They be so obstinat and tough / that they will not be conuerted / and rebellious agenst god and the ordinaunces of his holy church. And how moch moare shall they so be agenst youre grace / if they encrease and grow to a multitude. They wyll peruert all and suerly make new lawes and ether subdue youre grace vn to them or rise agenst you. And then goeth a parte of litle flocke to potte and the rest scatter. Thus hath it euer bene and shall euer be / lett noman therfore disceaue him selfe.

157/22–23 some . . . doctrine Cf. 1 Tim. 5.11–12.

157/25–26 But . . . husbandes. Cf. 1 Tim. 5.14.

157/30 prests at .xxiiij. Thanks to Germain Marc'hadour for pointing out that twenty-four was the minimum age for ordination to the priesthood with its obligation of celibacy, cf. 163/8.