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that beleue / whether wyth the mouth only and carnally with out spyryte nether louinge the law in their hertes nor fealinge the mercy that is in christ / but ether runne all to gether at ryott or kepe the law with cauteles and exposycions of their awne fayninge & yet not of loue but for feare of hell / as the theues do for feare of the galowes / and make recompence to god for their synnes wyth holy dedes.

He also wyll not vriderstonde / that there be twoo maner faythes: one / that ys the faith off the electe / whych purgeth them of all their synnes for euer. As ye se Ihon .xv. ye be cleane sayth christ / be the reason of the worde: that is / thorow beleuinge christes doctryne. And Ihon .j. he gaue them power to be the sonnes of God / thorow beleuinge in hys name. And Ihon .iij. he that beleueth the sonne hath euerlastynge lyfe / and a thousand like textes.

162/19–22 But . . . lawes. Cf. 1 Cor. 10.13. This promise of God's help, when the remedy of marriage was not available, must have consoled Tyndale in exile.

And a nother of them that be called and neuer electe. As the fayth of Iudas / of symon magus / of the deuel / and of the pope. In whose hertes the law of god ys not wrytten / as it appereth by their workes. And therfore when they beleue many thynges of christe / yet when they come vnto the saluacion that is in his bloude / they be but Iewes and turkes and forsake christ and runne vn to the iustifienge of ceremonies wyth the Iewes and turkes. And therfore they remayne euer in synne within in theyr hertes.

162/22–23 to loue Gods law. Cf. Ps. 119.97.

162/23 electe. Cf. Rom. 8.33. NT uses "chosen" instead of "electe" (Wallis 331/13; TNT 233F).

162/25–26 euery man ... or no. Cf. CWM 6/1.311/21–22.

Where the electe hauinge the law written in their brestes and louinge it in their spirites / synne there neuer / but with out in the flesh. Agenst which sinne they fight continually & minishe it daily

162/29–30 those . . . Moloch. For the prohibition of human sacrifice , cf. Jer. 32.35. For the offering of children by Ahaz, cf. 2 Kings 16.3, and by Manasseh, cf. 2 Kings 21.6.