KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural

we him to heare the worde ernistly / rather then to write it in his herte. For whosoeuer hath no nother fealynge of the law of god that it is good / then because of miracles / the same shall beleue in Christe / as did Simon Magus and Iudas: and as they that came out of Egipte with Moses / and fell awaye at euery temptacion / & shall haue good werkes like vn to our popes / bisshopes and cardenales. And therfore when the scripture is fully receaued / there is no nede of miracles. In so moch that they which wyll not beleue Moses and the prophetes when the scripture is receaved / the same wilbe no true beleuers by the reason of miracles / though one arose from deeth to life to preach vn to them by the testimonie of Christe.

EXODUS: 16.2-3: 131/14–15

EXODUS: 17.2–3: 131/14–15

EXODUS: 32: 131/14–15

NUMBERS: 14.1–4: 131/14–15

LUKE: 16.31: 131/17–20

And agayne / how doeth S. Hierom / Augustine / Bede and many other old doctoures that were before the pope was cropt vpp in to the consciences of men and had sent forth his damnable sectes / to preach him vnder the name of christe / as christ prophisied it shuld be / expounde this texte / thou arte Peter and vppon this rocke I wyll byld my church / and this texte / Peter fede my shepe / and all power is geuen me in heuen & in erth / and innumerable soch textes cleane contrary vnto al those new old holy doctours that haue made the pope a god? They knew of no power that man shuld haue in the kyngdome of Christ / then to preach Christ truly. They knew of no power that the pope shuld haue to send to purgatory or to deliuer thence / nether of any pardons ner of any soch confession as they preach & teach / nether were many that are articles with you / articles of their faith. They al preached forgeuenesse of synnes thorow repentaunce towar

MATTHEW: 16.18: 7/32–33, 29/3–4, 131/22, 131/26–27

LUKE: 17.4: 21/4–5, 131/22

MATTHEW: 16.18: 7/32–33, 29/3–4, 131/22, 131/26–27

MATTHEW: 28.18: 131/27–28

JOHN: 21.16–17: 131/27

ACTS: 5.31: 132/2–3