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in very dede a suspecte thinge and a greate signe of an heretike to require it.

Then he iugleth wyth allegories. Syr / Moses deliuered them al that he had receaued of god and that in the mother tonge / in which all that had the hert therto studied & not the prestes only as thou mayst se in the scripture. And the apostles kepte nothinge behinde / as paul testified actes .xx. how he had shewed them all the counsell of god and had kepte nought backe. Shuld the laye people lesse herken vnto the exposicions of the prelates in doutfull places / if the texte were in their handes when they preached?

DEUTERONOMY: 31–9–13: 169/28–29

ACTS: 20.27: 85/14–15, 169/31–170/1

M. the Iewes geue greate reuerence vnto the bible & we sit on it. T. the pope putteth it vnder his fete & treadeth on it / in token that he is lorde ouer it that it shulde sarue him / & he not it. M. God hath ordeyned the ordinaries for chefe phisicions. T. they be lawiers ordeined of the pope / & can no moare skill of the scripture than they that neuer sawe it: ye and haue professed a contrary doctrine. They be right hangemen to murther whosoeuer desireth for the doctrine that god hath geuen to be the ordinary of our faith and liuinge .

M. More 1531

Tindale 1531

M. More 1531

Tindale 1531

And when he maketh so greate difficulte and hardnesse in paules pistles. I saie / it is impossyble to vnderstond ether peter or paul or ought at al in the scripture / for him that denieth the iustifienge of faith in christes bloude. And agayne it is impossible to vnderstonde in the scripture moare then a turke for whosoeuer hath not the law of god written in his herte to fulfil it. Of which pointe and of true faith to / I feare me that you are voyde and empte with all youre spiritualtie / whose defender ye haue taken vppon you to be / for to mocke out the trouth for lucre and vauntage.

2 PETER: 3.16: 170/13–14

pistles] Epistles 1573

ROMANS: 3.28: 96/22, 170/15–16, 173/25–26,197/6–7, 197/18, 201/30, 202/21, 206/21–22

ROMANS: 5.9: 110/9–10, 170/15–16

JEREMIAH: 31.33: 7/32–33,12/27, 49/19,52/29–30, 53/22, 53/34, 54/16–17,64/15–16, 85/26,97/15–16, 111/7, 112/29, 113/21–22, 113/28, 113/32–33, 137/32, 139/15, 151/27, 170/17–18, 175/14, 183/9–10, 195/22–23, 205/27–28