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¶An answere vnto Master Mores fourth
Christes church hath the true doctrine all redy /
and the selfe same
that S. Paul wold not geue an angel audience vn to
the contrary. T.
but the popis church wil not heare that doctrine.
M. confirmed with soch a multitude of miracles and so moch bloud
of marters / &
comen consent of al christendome. T. who shewed a
miracle to confirme his preachynge of eareconfession &
pardons with like pedelery ? or who shed his bloude for them? I
can shew you many thousandes that ye haue slayne for preachynge
the contrary. And againe grecia the one halfe of christendome
consenteth not vn to them / which grekes if soch thinges had
come from the apostles shulde haue
had them ere ye. M. the spiritualte be not so
tender eared / but that
they maye heare their sinnes rebuked. T. they
consent not vn to the waye of trueth / but sinne of malice
& of profession. And therfore as they haue no power to
repent / euen so can they not but persecute both him that
rebuketh them & his doctrine to / after the ensamples
of the phareses & al tirantes that begonne
before / namely if that preacher twich any grounde wherby they
shuldbe reformed or by
what meanes they maynetene their misheue.
GALATIANS: 1.8:26/10–11,88/33, 93/11–12,171/3–4
ij. chapter
M. A freres liuinge that hath maried a nunne
maketh it easye to
know that his doctrine is not good. T. that
profession of etherother is playne idolatrie / &
disceauinge of a mans soule & robbynge him of his good
/ & taken vppon them ignorauntly therto. Wherfore
when they become vn to the knowlege of the
trouth / they ought no lenger therin to abide. But the
popis forbiddinge matrimonie & to
eate of meates created of god for mannes vse which is
deuellish doctrine by paulis prophesie / his geuenge licence
to hold whores / his continuall occupienge of pri
1 TIMOTHY: 4.1, 3: 153/33–154/3, 171/27–172/2