KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
And when he allegeth marters / lett him
shew one and take the calfe for his laboure.
And in the end he biddeth bewarre of them that liue well in
any wise. As though they whych liue euell can not teach
amisse. And if
that be true then they be of the surest
M. when Tindale was apposed of his doctrine /
yer he went ouer
se/ he said and sware / he ment no harme. T. he
sware not nether was there any man that required an oth of
him: but he now swereth by him whom he trusteth to be saued
by / that he neuer ment or yet meaneth any other harme then
to sofre all that god hath prepared to be leyd on his backe
/ for to brynge his brothern vn to the light of our sauiour
Ihesus which the pope thorow falshed and corruptynge soch
poetes as ye are (ready vn to all thynge for vauntage) leadeth in the darkenesse of deeth.
M. Tyndale doeth know how that S. Augustine
& S. Hierom doo proue with holy scripture that
confession is of necessite vn to saluacion
. T. that is false if ye meane eareconfession.
Whi allege ye not the places where? But ye knowe by S.
Hierom and other stories and
by the conuersation with Erasmus / how it come
vpp and that the
vse was once ferre other then now.
M. I meruell that Tyndale denieth purgatory / excepte he
to goo too hell. T. he entendeth to purge here
vn to the vttermost
of his power and hopeth that deeth wyll ende
and fynish his purgacion . And if there be any other
purgynge / he wyll committe it to god and take it as he
findeth it / when he cometh at it / & in the meane tyme
take no thought therfore / but for this that is present
where with all sayntes were purged & were taught so to be. And Tyndale