M. the clergie doeth nothynge vn to the
heretikes but as the holy
doctours did. T. yes ye put them in youre
presones and diote them
and handle them after youre facion as temporall
tirauntes / and dispute with them secretly & wil not
come at light. And ye sle them
for rebukynge you with Gods worde / and so did not the old
doctours. If a man sle his father / ye care
not. But if any man twich one of you though he haue neuer so
greate an occasyon geuen hym / ye curse him / and yf he wyll
not submitte him selfe vn to youre punishement / ye leaue
him vn to the temporall power whom ye haue hyred with the
spoyle of his goodes to be youre hangman / so that he must
lose hys lyfe / for geuinge one of you but a blow on the