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maruelith what secret pilles they take to purge them selues which not only wil not purge here with the crosse of christe / but also bye out their purgatory there of the pope / for a grote or .vj. pens.


xviij.] The xviij. Chapter. 1573

M. the clergie doeth nothynge vn to the heretikes but as the holy doctours did. T. yes ye put them in youre presones and diote them and handle them after youre facion as temporall tirauntes / and dispute with them secretly & wil not come at light. And ye sle them for rebukynge you with Gods worde / and so did not the old holy doctours. If a man sle his father / ye care not. But if any man twich one of you though he haue neuer so greate an occasyon geuen hym / ye curse him / and yf he wyll not submitte him selfe vn to youre punishement / ye leaue him vn to the temporall power whom ye haue hyred with the spoyle of his goodes to be youre hangman / so that he must lose hys lyfe / for geuinge one of you but a blow on the cheke.

More [1531]

Clargye [1531]

Tyndale [1531]

JOHN: 3.20: 110/14–15, 114/13–14, 214/30

Note 1531

M. Saynt paul gaue .ij. heretikes vn to the deuell whych tormented their flesh which was no small punishment and haply he slew them. T. O expounder of the scripture like hugo charensys which expoundeth hereticum hominem deuita / take the heretike out of his life. We reade of no payne that he had whom the Corinthians excomunicat and gaue to sathan / to sle hys flesh / saue that he was asshamed of hym selfe and repented / when he saw hys offence so ernistly taken and so abhorred. But ye because ye haue no power to delyuer them to sathan to blynde theyr myndes / ye deliuer them to the fyre to destroy their flesh / that no moare is sene of them after then the asshes.

1 TIMOTHY: 1.20: 215/9–11

More 1531

TITUS: 3.10: 215/11–13

Tindale 1531

1 CORINTHIANS: 5.1–5:215/13–14

excomunicat] excommunicated 1573

2 CORINTHIANS: 7.9: 215/15

ACTS: 20: 215/17–19