KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
The table of the boke
Abiure / whi manye abiure and faulle. Note 114
Abraham 134
Accusars 104
Albe / what it signifieth 73
Allegoryes can proue nothynge. 92
Alone fayth iustefyeth. 198
Altare / and what it signifieth 73
Amice / and what it signifieth 73
Answeres vn to M. Mores first boke 79
Antichrist / a sure token that the pope ys antychryst 100
Apostles lefte nothynge vnwriten that is of necessite to be
beleued. 24
Appearaunce of godlinesse 104
Argumentes that the pope ys not the true church of christ 38
Argumentes wherwith the pope wold proue hym silfe the church are solued. 39
Austynes auctoryte whych sayth / I had not beleued the gospell
excepte the auctorite of the church moued me / is
expounded. 47
Austyne complayned in hys tyme that the condicyon of Iewes was more easye then oures for the multitude of ceremonyes.
Balam the false prophete 14, 22, 140
Baptyse / why wemen baptyse 96
Bartholomewe. Note the storye. 91
Bysshopes / why they were so called 16
Bysshopes / & elders or prestes were all one thynge in the apostles tyme. 16
Bodelye excercyse must be referred vnto the tamynge of my
flesh onlye. 80
Brasen serpent 66
Breed remayneth in the sacramente. 179