KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural
Candels / and what they signifie 73, 81
Canonisinge 121
Ceremonyes / how they sprange emonge vs 68
Ceremonies of the masse 73
Ceremonies are the cause of oure depe ignoraunce in the
scripture. 74
Christen man or true membre of christes church sinneth not
and how yet he is a synner. 30
Christen man can not erre / and how he maye yet erre. 31
Christen / how farre a christen man is bounde to suffre 188
Christes benefites towardes vs are figured by matrimonye. 154
Christes memoriall 178
Church is vsed in thre significacions. 10–12
Church in his thirde significacion is taken two maner of wayes.
Church / whether it were before the gospell or the gospell before the church 23
Church / whate the verye church is 28
Church / whether it can erre 28
Church hath a double interpretacion. 52
Church / the church must shewe a reason of their doctryne. 97
Church is taken two maner of wayes. 105
Church is double. 112
Chrisostomus 208
Churlysh 104
Circumcysion 64
Cirenus burnt the images. 184
Ciprian rebuked the false martyrs that trusted in their awne merites. 200
Clargye hurte no heretikes. 214
Colet deane of poules shulde haue bene condem