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nces in shedynge of christen bloude / his robbynge of the pore thorow out christendom of al that was geuen to mayntene them / his settynge vpp in rome a stues not of wemen only / but of the male kynd also agenst nature and a thousand abhominacions to grosse for a turke / are tokens good ynough that he is the right antichrist and his doctrine spronge of the devell.

M. in penaunce marten saith there neadeth no contricion ner satisfaction. T. call it repentaunce and then it is contricion of it selfe. And as for mendesmakynge with worldely thinges / that doo to thi brother whom thou hast offended / & vn to god offer the repentaunce of thine herte and the satisfaccion of christes bloude.

M. tyndale saith that the confessoure vttureth the confessions of them that be rich. But yet we se that both rich and pore kepe hores openly with out payenge peny. T. if they be very rich they be sofered / because they maye be good defenders of the spiritualtie / and if they be very pore / because they haue no money to paye or else they fine with one or other secretly.

M. vppon that lye tindale bildeth the destruction of the sacrament of penaunce. T. sacrament is a signe signifienge what I shuld doo or beleue or both. As baptim is the signe of repentaunce signifienge that I must repent of euel and beleue to be saued therfrom by the bloude of christe. Now Sir in youre penaunce describe vs which is the signe and the outwarde sacrament & what is the thynge that I must do or beleue. And then we will enserch whether it maye be a sacrament or no.

M. tindale sayth that confession is the worst inuencion that euer was. T. as ye facion it me