KEY Commentary Side Textual Bibliographic Scriptural

de by his boke & to dispute / which he might well doo / sith he had his safe conducte that he shuld haue no bodyly harme. T. o mercifull god / how fome ye out youre awne shame? ye can not dispute excepte ye haue a man in youre awne daunger to doo him bodyly harme / to diote him aftir youre facion / to tormente him and to murther him. Yf ye might haue had him at youre pleasure / ye wold haue disputed wyth him: first wyth sophistrie and corruptynge the scripture: then with offerynge him promocions : then with the swerde. So that ye wold haue bene sure / to haue ouercome him with one argument or other.

M. He wold agre on no Iudges. T. What iudges offered ye him / saue blynde bisshopes & cardenales / enimies of all trouth / whose promocions and dignites they feare to be plucked from them / if the trouth came to light / or soch Iudases as they had corrupte with money to mayntene their secte? The appostles might haue admitted as well the hethen bisshopes of Idoles to haue bene their iudges as he them. But he offered you autenticke scripture and the hertes of the whole worlde. Whych .ij. iudges / iff ye had good consciences and trust in god / ye wold not haue refused.


The fourth chapter is not the first poetrie that he hath fayned.


In the ende of the fifte he vntrulye reporteth / that Marten saith / no man is bound to kepe any vowe. Lawfull promises are to be kepte and vnlawfull broken.