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vj.] The vj. Chapter. [1573]

In the beginnenge of the . vj. he discrybeth marten aftir the ensample of his awne nature / as in other places he discribeth god aftir the complexion of popes cardenals and worldly tirantes.

awne] ed., a awne [1531], own [1573]

M. Marten will abyde but by the scripture only. T. and ye will come at no scripture only: And as for the old doctours ye wyll heare as litle / saue where it pleaseth you / for all youre crienge / old holy fathers. For tel me this / whi haue ye in englonde condemned the vnion of doctours but because ye wold not haue youre falshed disclosed by the doctrine of them.

M. they saye / that a christen man is discharged of al lawes spirituall and temperall saue the gospell.T. ye iugle / we saye that no christen man ought to bynde his brother violently / vn to any lawe wher of he coude not geue a reason out of christes doctrine and out of the lawe of loue. And on the other syde we saye / that a christen man is called to sofre wronge and tiranny (though no man ought to bynde him) vntill god rid vs therof: so fer yet as the tiranny is not directly agenst the law of god and faith of Christe / and no further.

M. marten was the cause of the destruccion of the vplondish people of germanie. T. that is false for then he coude not haue escaped him selfe. Marten was as moch the cause of their confusion / as Christ of the destruccion of Ierusalem. The duke elector of saxon cam from the warre of those vplondish people and other dukes with him / in to Wittenberge where Marten is / with .xv. hundred men of armes / so that Marten if he had bene gyltie / coude not

destruccion] ed., destrucciou [1531], destruction [1573]