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haue gonne quite. And therto all the dukes and lordes that cleaue vn to the worde of god thys daye / were no lesse combred with their comen people then other men.

Then after the lowdest maner he setteth out the cruelnesse of the emproures soudioures whych they vsed at Rome: but he maketh no mencion of the treason which holy church wrought secretly / were with the men off warre were so set on fire.


M. what good dede will he do / that beleueth marten / how that we haue no frewill to do any good with the helpe of grace?T. O poete with out shame.

M. what harme shal he care to forbere / that beleueth luther / how god alone / with out oure will worketh all the misheue that they doo.T. O naturall sonne of the father of all lies.

M. what shall he care / how longe he liue in synne that beleueth luther / that he shall after thys life / fele nether good ner evell in bodye ner soule vntyll the daye of dome?T. Christ and hys appostles taught no nother / but warned to loke for christes cominge agayne euery houre. Which cominge agayne / because ye beleue will neuer be therfore haue ye fained that other marchaundice.

M. Martens bokes be open / if ye will not beleue vs. T. Naye / ye haue shutt them vpp and therfore be bold to saie what ye liste.

M. they liue as they teach and teach as they liue. T. but nether teach ner liue as other lye on them.


M. though the turke offer pleasures vn to the receauers and deeth vn to the refusers of his